Category: BREWPUB
BREWPUB at Urban List / The Verdict

BREWPUB at Urban List / The Verdict
We had a special visit from the Urban list team, and they had a lot to say about our BREWPUB…

The Verdict
There’s something interesting brewing in Docklands. Literally. Because Urban Alley just opened its doors.
If you haven’t heard of these guys, here’s a little piece to get you up to speed. They’re basically a local craft beer label (formerly known as Once Bitter), and this joint represents their first ever bricks and mortar business, and, let’s face it, the future hope of Docklands…

weekend notes REVIEW OUR PUB
The name says it all. This outfit is urban (as close to the city as you can get), it’s edgy like Melbourne’s iconic alleyways but it’s a brewery. But one that takes its ethical responsibilities to the environment seriously as well as being locally owned and fiercely independent.
You won’t have trouble finding it as long as you remember it is pretty much smack under the Melbourne Star Observation Wheel and looking up is your best bet in terms of navigation.
So it’s not on a road but rather in the circular area known as Star Circus Docklands. Best to get the tram to Docklands and then walk the short distance in.
The fit out is both incredibly sleek and cosy and welcoming. There are rows of golden lights as if you were heading into a German Biergarten (beer garden) at night
And there is plenty of outside seating which will be perfect for hot summer nights. Lots of nooks and crannies for a cool ale. But even in winter, this will be a great space with large inset log style fires. And pet lovers can rejoice as you can bring your pooch into this outside area as well.
The inside area reminded me of being inside the big top. There is a large circular bar like a ring in the centre of the room with more rows of lights. I liked that the design gave the bartenders an eagle-eye view of anyone who might be waiting for a drink and it also allows them to cover the bar in a few steps cutting down any wasted time in getting your drinks.
As a customer, it also means you can interact with the people either side of you. When this place really gets going it can hold 550 which is going to make it a mecca for a great night out. Yet, because of the design, there are heaps of intimate seating areas and cosey fireplaces for small groups of friends.
The space not only has an air or sociability but its slickly polished with shiny floors, recycled brickwork and timber fixtures.
At one end are huge panes of glass giving you visual access to the brewing process. The huge steel holding tanks and apparatus are so polished you could see yourself in them. And they look sensational lit up at night.
And being within eyesight of the vats, you couldn’t be sipping your beer any closer to the source.